Random thoughts, daily life, being a student, quantum computing.


Back in the saddle...?

After a few months of huge time commitments at work, I am once again making some time for research. I did a kickstart in a great way - the U Calgary Grad Studies faculty had a free seminar entitled "The seven secrets of a successful PhD student".

Being a sucker for all of these time management and self-improvement seminars, I went for it.

The seminar was good, highly entertaining, but most important, I was reminded of two gems:
  • Do some work on the PhD, first thing in the AM, EVERY work day.
  • Create weekly, monthly and longer plans and review them
This is the old common sense world coming back in and it makes such a difference. In the couple of weeks since the seminar, I've made more progress that I did in the previous 6 months.

Current upcoming plans include:
  • Prepping a talk for FMCS '11
  • Studying "Frobenius Algebras and 2-D Topological Quantum Field Theories" by Kock once again
  • Submitting the paper on inverse products for publication
  • Updating LQPL to break the presentation code from the emulator code
  • Attending some upcoming conferences
Check back later, I'll update this in a couple of weeks.

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