Did not pan out. Physically, I'm finding it tough to keep up that schedule. Since that is very important to me, I am doing something about it.
I did still manage to tackle a few things. I've started watching the excellent introduction to Quantum Mechanics by James Binney on iTunesU. While so far it is all review, it is nice to have it as something to watch on the bus into work or coming home.
As well, I have completed chapter 1 of Frobenius Algebras and 2-D Topological Quantum Field Theories (available as a Kindle eBook).
Finally, I did get the Message Passing Language to work on Linux. Interestingly, at the same time that I was struggling with wxHaskell on the mac, there were numerous posts about the issues with GUIs for Haskell (on Mac etc.). No real resolutions, a few pointers on getting wxHaskell and GTK2HS working on the Mac and lots of posts on Haskell Café.
The biggest thing not done is that I still haven't chosen a topic for FMCS '11. I would really like to start talking about coproducts in inverse categories, the next phase to my research on reversible computing and its relationship to quantum computing. The issue with that is that I haven't done any research on it yet.
So, main plans for this week include:
- More on Frobenius Algebras.
- Decide on FMCS '11 topic. Potentials include Coproducts in inverse categories, Cobordisms and their relationship to Frobenius Algebras, or possibly something on LQPL.
- Don't be tempted and watch 3 sessions of the Quantum Mechanics course.