I had originally intended to do this once I had
cucumber testing integrated, but I think that would just make the blog too long.
This post lets you get
monkeybars (which uses
JRuby) working on
IntelliJ using their form designer.
The first step, as usual, is getting everything installed. I'll assume you have IntelliJ version 11 installed
and have installed the ruby plug-in for IntelliJ. If not, see the jetbrains site.
If you haven't installed JRuby - use the excellent
rvm package to do this if on Linux or Mac. If you are on windows, there is an installer for you at the JRuby site.
Disclaimer: I am using Mac OSX 10.7, JRuby and rvm, so examples and experience is based on that.
The required background is:
- Java 1.6 is installed
- JRuby is installed (preferably via rvm)
- You have set JRuby to be your default ruby (again, if using rvm)
- IntelliJ is installed
- The command line does not make you quiver in fear
- You have decided to torture yourself and do swing development rather than Rails
Step1 - Install Monkeybars and rawr gems
Start a command window, go to it and do the following commands which add a new gem source and then install. The standard
rubygems.org source is out of date for monkeybars.
- jruby -S gem source -a http://gems.neurogami.com
- jruby -S gem install monkeybars rawr
Installing monkeybars also installs the gems "bones" and "swingset".
Step2 - Set up the project
Change directory to wherever you want your project, (I am using
ij in this example) then do the setup commands below.
- jruby -S monkeybars ij
- cd ij
- jruby -S rawr -c com.yourdomain.ij.Main install
- jruby -S rake generate ALL=src/ij
These commands will take a bit of time as they download a couple of gems and the latest version of the
jruby-complete.jar. At this point, you will have a monkeybars project created in your directory.
Now, start up IntelliJ and create a new project. In the dialog, chose "Create Project From Existing Sources". In the next panel, navigate to your directory. IntelliJ will properly detect your java and ruby sources (ruby in
ij, java in
ij/src), at least it did for me. The next panel will note the three jars:
jruby-complete.jar, miglayout-, and
monkeybars-1.1.1.jar. Next panel, it sets up a Java module based on your src directory. Then, the final panel detects the JRuby framework.
Expand the project pane in IntelliJ and you should see something like this:
In IntelliJ, remove the
org.rubyforge.rawr package and the main file under it.
Create a "run configuration" in IntelliJ to run your Main.java file. The easiest way to do this is right click on the Main file and select "Create Main.main()...". In the config dialog, change the working directory to add the
src directory at the end. It should look like this:
To complete the project setup, edit two ruby files:
manifest.rb and
manifest.rb add the two lines:
add_to_load_path '../lib/ruby'
require "ij/ij_controller"
main.rb, near the bottom of the file, there is a begin/rescue/end block. Right after begin, add the line:
Run the program via IntelliJ and this should appear:
Now - you have Monkeybars working with JRuby within IntelliJ. Whew!
In the old days with NetBeans, you would just design a form with the included designer and rock and roll. It is
almost that simple with IntelliJ, there are just a couple of minor items to take care of.
Step 3 - Design a little form in IntelliJ
Add a new package for your forms (not required, I'm just anal about separating such things :). Within that package, right click and in the pop-up menu, select "Gui Form". Name it "Iform".
In the properties list on the left side, select the top level panel and give it the name "
topPanel". (You can name any of the components, we need the top panel named to make things work in one of the alternate scenarios below. :). For purposes of the example, I just added a Jlabel and a Jbutton. Name them
message and
my_button respectively.
By default, IntelliJ associates a class with the form and will add private members for the elements on your form - panels are an exception, unless you name them as noted above.
If you preview the form, it should now look like this:
and the code of the associated form should look like this:
Step 4 - Create the top level frame.
IntelliJ's gui designer is for panels, forms and dialogs but not the top frame and its menu. It seems the simplest way to do this is just take the form class and extend it from a JFrame. The resulting code in Iform should look like this.
package com.yourdomain.ij.forms;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Iform extends JFrame{
public Iform(){
super("Ij Frame");
setMinimumSize(new Dimension(300,200));
private JPanel topPanel;
private JButton my_button;
private JLabel message;}
Alternate to Step 4 - use JRuby and Swingset:
You can use JRuby with a swing wrapper to drive the form if you prefer. swingset is included with monkey bars, but I expect others such as Rubeus would work as well. Using JRuby, we would add a new JRuby class (I just re-used the ij_ui code that was generated. Then the JRuby code for step 4 looks like:
require 'swingset'
include Neurogami::SwingSet::Core
class IjUi < Frame
include Neurogami::SwingSet::MiG
attr_accessor :form
attr_accessor :my_button
def initialize *args
self.minimum_width = FRAME_WIDTH
self.minimum_height = FRAME_HEIGHT
default_close_operation = EXIT_ON_CLOSE
def set_up_form
@form = com.yourdomain.ij.forms.Iform.new
add @form.get_top_panel
def my_button
This code requires you to add accessors for any of the form fields that require interaction -
my_button so you can define handlers,
form so you can gain access to
message. for mapping between the view and the model. Note this would change some of the wiring in step 5.
Step 5 - wire everything up the monkey bars way
The last step! (assuming you just changed
Iform to extend
First, update the model code to include a message for the label:
class IjModel
attr_accessor :message
def initialize
@message = "Swing is ok..."
Next, in the file
ij_view.rb found under
src/ij, change the value
IjUi to
com.yourdomain.ij.forms.Iform. Then add a mapping from the view label to the model. The code will now look like this
class IjView < ApplicationView
set_java_class com.yourdomain.ij.forms.Iform
map :view => "message.text", :model => :message
Finally, add a handler for your button in the
class IjController < ApplicationController
set_model 'IjModel'
set_view 'IjView'
set_close_action :exit
def my_button_action_performed
model.message = "<html>But Swing with Monkeybars<br>is awesome!"
And then BOOM - run it and you will see your form appear. Click the button and the label text will change.
That is the VERY beginning of getting started.
I hope this helps - comments welcomed!
- I got most of the way using the book "Using JRuby" by Nutter, Sieger, Enobo, Bini and Dees.
- Examples in the monkeybars source code shamelessly copied and hardly modified (Thanks James Britt)